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Program Overview
Bosch Car Service (BCS) is our premium partnership program, specializing in all vehicle services. Every garage that's a part of BCS serves as a credible alternative to traditional car dealerships, offering servicing, repairs, and diagnostics for all vehicle makes. In addition, each garage is backed by the full resources, capabilities and expertise of the Bosch team, with a support structure designed to help you win new customers and strengthen existing relationships.

Bosch Car Service Quality Management audits of Bosch Car Service Network shops. These consulting services help identify areas of success and improvement — while determining the performance class rating of the service center within the network.

The Bosch training solutions provide the Service Centers with a competitive advantage in the automotive repair market and special prices for the network.

We support you with a full range of regional and national marketing tools and vendor partnerships through all channels — from print media to the latest online and digital technologies to support you win new business and enhance existing relationships.

Dedicated Sales Team

Better purchasing terms on Bosch parts and availability through preferred suppliers

Premium image: Sustain prominence among local competitors

Warranty Program

Extra Loyalty Program — Earn 3X eXtra points on eligible Bosch products, six exclusive promotions
and more

No annual or monthly fees